September 27, 2016

10 Essentials to Keep in Your Desk at Work

Say goodbye to bad snacks, a cold office & dead phones and hello to a happier work day with these 10 essentials to keep in your desk at work.

Say goodbye to bad snacks, a cold office & dead phones and hello to a happier work day with these 10 essentials to keep in your desk at work.
For those who work in an office, you can relate to this struggle. You want to have some of your favourite items like at home, carry a lighter bag daily and not stress about needing that phone charger. Sure, your office may not have all the comforts of home, but if you keep the right things in your desk, a long day at work can feel a lot less stressful. Say goodbye to unhealthy snacks, freezing cold meetings and battery-drained cell phones, and hello to a happier work day. Try bringing my 10 Essentials to Keep in Your Desk at Work and feel the zen.
Say goodbye to bad snacks, a cold office & dead phones and hello to a happier work day with these 10 essentials to keep in your desk at work.

10 Essentials to Keep in Your Desk at Work

A Spare Phone Charger

Rather than toting your only phone charger back and forth from your home to your office, buy an extra one and keep it in your desk specifically for those times you need a mid-day battery boost.

A Mirror

You don’t always want to have to walk out to the bathroom just to make sure there’s no food on your face or spinach in your teeth. Keep a small mirror in your drawer, because using your phone’s front-facing camera to check your appearance just isn’t as effective.


You never know when you’re going to need a band-aid, so keep a stock in your desk just in case. I always have a couple in my purse. This is especially important if you tend to wear uncomfortable shoes—blisters won’t stand a chance against you and your preparedness.
Say goodbye to bad snacks, a cold office & dead phones and hello to a happier work day with these 10 essentials to keep in your desk at work.

A Sweater

It’s so hard to find an office temperature that works for everyone, either the heat is too low or the air conditioning is on too high. My office is usually freezing cold, during the summer we wore sweaters inside. Studies show that this is particularly a problem for women, as most office temperatures are set for men’s bodies. Keeping a sweater or sweatshirt in your desk is a good idea so you never have to shiver through the work day again. Or in case that sunny day turns into a cooler one by the time the day ends. You may need it for your commute home.


Have you ever left for work in a hurry and realized halfway through your commute that you forgot to put on deodorant? Rather than spending the entire day feeling self-conscious about wanting to freshen up, just keep a spare stick in your desk. I can’t tell you how many time I’ve done this! Also last week, I forgot to brush my teeth…. Ya that was a fun day haha.

Mints or Gum

For some post lunch breath freshening, stay stocked up on your favorite mints or gum. You can also keep a toothbrush or mouthwash in your desk. Whichever you prefer, it’s great for fixing coffee breath before a big meeting or before an after work date.

Napkins or Tissues

You never know when allergies will strike or when your lunch is going to get a little messy, so keep a stack of napkins and tissues in your desk at all times, just in case. I have both in my desk!
Say goodbye to bad snacks, a cold office & dead phones and hello to a happier work day with these 10 essentials to keep in your desk at work.

Healthy Snack

I always keep nuts, dried fruit or a bag of the Harvest Snaps (lightly salted!) in my desk drawer. I want something tasty, but healthy for that snack attack. You don’t want to end up scrounging the staff lounge, grabbing a muffin or something else with carbs and sugar instead. It’s an instant regret after finishing.

Pain Killer

I’m not talking about prescriptions here, more like that Tylenol or Ibuprofen for those out of nowhere headaches. The one that happens if you don’t drink enough fluids, or because you have been staring at your computer screen for hours. Or in some people’s case, that annoying coworker who gabs on about nothing. And, if you know me well, I always have Pepto on hand. You just never know!

Feminine Hygiene Products

Ok ladies, we have all been there. Our period stops by early and we have to ask around the office for a tampon. Well my suggestion is to keep a little pack of tampons, panty liners and hey, even that spare pair of underwear in your desk. Nothing is worse than being unprepared for your time of the month.

What are your work desk essentials?
Say goodbye to bad snacks, a cold office & dead phones and hello to a happier work day with these 10 essentials to keep in your desk at work.

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30 responses on "10 Essentials to Keep in Your Desk at Work"

  1. Too funny, I have all of the things you listed in my desk at work. I also have many of these things in my glove compartment of my car as well.

    1. Leslie says:

      Well prepared girl!

  2. Jen says:

    The bandaids are what I always forget. then you get a paper cut or something and wish you had them on hand!

    1. Leslie says:

      Right?! Those are the worst.

  3. Jean says:

    These are awesome suggestions! I am always forgetting my phone charger either at work or at home and for some reason I’ve never thought of picking up an extra one. Also, since I started keeping deodorant in my desk I’ve never forgotten to put it on at home, so I guess that’s working as a preventative measure … kind of like carrying an umbrella to prevent it from raining ;).

    1. Leslie says:

      Haha exactly!

  4. Great list! I do a lot of events for work so I also keep a pair of black pumps and any makeup samples I get in gift bags at my desk. Always helps in a pinch when a last minute networking invite comes across my inbox.

    1. Leslie says:

      Oh good idea!

  5. Abby says:

    The healthy snack bit.. I’ve been working on that! Thanks for the reminder!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. Leslie says:

      really helps when those mid-afternoon cravings come in!