January 5, 2016

2016 Resolutions



2016! Another chance to change a few things about ourselves. I’m aiming small, nothing too large to conquer or cross off my list. Weight loss is an ongoing goal with me, more so now since I have a wedding in over a year! Those goals are realistic, I don’t have a set weight to reach, I just want to fit into some nice pants in my closet.

I feel confident as I am now (I did wear a thong bikini all summer after all!). But would like to feel more energized, fit into my closet which is  only a size down from where I am and be healthy. Curtis has also started to go to the gym and has agreed to do this Vegan diet with me. I bought the 22-Day Revolution by Marco Borges over the holidays. I figured if Beyonce could eat raw walnut tacos, why can’t I?

I’m pretty excited for this year. I have a few new projects upcoming, I’m now working with Luvo as an Influencer (more to come on that!) and just feel organized. Ask me that in another few months, and it might be a different story haha.

2016 Resolutions!

1. Date night once a week. After eight years together, we kind of take this for granted. Watching Netflix on the couch while one of us is browsing Facebook or YouTube is not a date!

2. Cocktails after work on Friday’s. We now have finished our bar cabinet (post to follow!) and have a stocked bar. Why spend money when we can drink at home.

3. See a movie once a month at the theatre with popcorn.

4. Girl’s night once a month. HINT HINT!

5. Learn Italian. Curtis bought me the complete Italian Rosetta Stone set a couple of years ago and I need to start back up again.

6. More dancing. Self-explanatory.

7. Less stressing. Everyone could use this.

8. Less sugar. We’ve been cutting this out, December was a write off, but it’s a new start this month.

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11 responses on "2016 Resolutions"

  1. Sarah says:

    These are such great goals. I love a new start at the beginning of each year!