February 7, 2020

Friday Roundup: February 7

Third Trimester Pregnant Photo

Welcome back to a new Friday Roundup! It’s been a busy month and a bit. Sorting out our home, snowstorms, dogsitting Oscar and prenatal classes!

We finally have the nursery and office sorted out, the bedroom is almost done and the living area is now home to our comfy couch. It’s as if you are sitting on a cloud! We are very happy with that purchase. I’ll be sharing a proper home tour here later this month.

Last week we completed our prenatal classes, took the class twice a week for two hours and while it was informative, it could have been shortened by half. Too many group activities that were pointless when she had to give us the info anyways and snack breaks. I would recommend taking one, but maybe one that is shorter.

I haven’t been to too many events, I did go to Dermalogica’s master class which was to launch their new Bio C eye cream. I love their products, use the special cleansing gel and precleanse every night, so I have high hopes for this new product.

And other than that, we’ve been eating out here and there, trying to take advantage of it just being the two of us for date nights, continuing to work out, nesting and oh wait, I did also take Curtis to a whiskey tasting event! I got some looks showing up 7.5 months pregnant to it. I happily ate the snacks and Curtis had a great evening, so a win-win.

Whiskey Tasting Vancouver January 2020 Whiskey Tasting Vancouver January 2020 Whiskey Tasting Vancouver January 2020

This weekend, we have a couple of dinners with friends, an infant first-aid class and trying to catch up with blog posts, edit a couple of videos for Youtube and pack for our trip to Whistler next week. Can’t wait to relax in the village, go to Scandinave Spa for a massage and just get out of the city for a bit.

What are your weekend plans?

Friday Roundup Links

1. All the soups to make right now
2. I love seeing crappy designs LOL
3. Interesting read on why people don’t return their shopping carts
4. This California B&B is so quirky, words can’t describe

On the Blog Lately

1. My Lake Garda Travel Guide
2. The Pregnancy Essentials I Swear By
3. 33 Weeks Pregnant Update 

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