September 4, 2020

Rowan’s Fifth Month

Rowan's Fifth Month Update

Here we are, at five months! Cannot believe half a year is coming up soon with Rowan! I felt this summer just flew by, we were busy, Curtis was busy with work and we didn’t do many things in the afternoon or evenings. I wished we did more beach days, but we still have a couple of weeks left of summer!

OK, five months is here, I’m not going to lie, last month was hard. Between her not sleeping as great some nights, to refusing naps for a bit, to being overall fussy on days where I was home for 10-11 hours by myself was hard. Nevermind all the heatwaves, her wanting to play more, Curtis and I fighting mostly due to lack of sleep and having a couple of days where my milk supply wasn’t the best (thank goodness for my freezer supply!).
Rowan's Fifth Month

The last little bit she’s been rolling onto her tummy during the night, and we just switched her to her crib along with doing the sleep training. Which for the most part, went pretty well. We used the model from Taking Care of Babies, and the Ferber method, she didn’t cry longer than 20 minutes, just now have to work on her naps. Some days it’s really smooth, and some days she just fights having a nap! I’m sad to see her in her crib but also secretly relieved to have the bedroom to ourselves again. No tiptoeing to bed or fear of waking her if you cough or sneeze.

Rowan took her first vacation to Victoria! It was nice to finally getaway for a couple of days and she did so well! She slept well, napped well, ate well, loved looking at people, and everything, so surprised! Then we got home and she didn’t’ sleep for two nights UGH.

She’s still a happy baby, for the most part, loves just rolling around and playing with her toys on the mat. So observant when we are out and about, loves to look around and stare at people. Not shy at all. Still babbling, blowing raspberries at us, grabbing everything she can including my hair, and does this cute stroke of the back of my head when I’m holding her. Melts my heart.

I love seeing her just smile to herself playing on her mat, she just really tries to crawl on the floor. Almost there! And she is obsessed with anything that makes a sound, fun to watch her shake her rattle or scrunch a soft book haha. Curtis and I also set up her jolly jumper and she absolutely LOVED IT. Had a ball just bouncing around, the biggest smile on her face the whole time. I ordered an activity center, which has been back-ordered for months now! I hope it shows up soon, I think she’d like to play in it for a few minutes, which also gives me a break ha.
Rowan's Fifth Month
She loves to smile, laugh at us, obsessed with our toes and her feet, and gets so excited to see people! Rowan is definitely a great baby! We are so lucky with her, yes she has her off days or weeks but makes up for it with her personality and easy goings.

Her schedule lately
7 AM: Wake up for a feed, a diaper change, day time outfit, and we play for a bit
9 AM: Quick feed and a nap
10:30-11 AM: Feed, lots of tummy time, developmental activities, mom showers
12:30-1 PM: Nap
2:30-6 PM: We try to have a nap and feed every two hours and get outside for a walk
6:30 PM: Bath time every 2 days
7 PM: Feed from a pumped bottle and storytime
7:30 PM: Go down for a 10-11 hour sleep, lights are turned off, white noise machine goes on
Rowan's Fifth Month

Mommy Update

I’m feeling better some days with more sleep but now starting to get anxiety over not having time to myself. I’d love more time to workout, write for the blog, read a book, go for a walk by myself, but Curtis is busy at work and I’m spending long days with just Rowan. And if she doesn’t nap well, then I don’t get anything done during the day. It can be frustrating but then I also have to remind myself it’s ok, just live in the moment with her.

Still breastfeeding which is going great! She eats so well and efficiently now, I did have a couple of days where my supply wasn’t great when I was having my period but I did have a freezer supply to help out. Rowan eats pretty well when we are out in public and I felt confident in doing so while in Victoria. Just pumped for her night feed and early morning with Curtis.

Other than that, I just try to go for a walk every day, eating a clean diet while at home, getting more sleep, and trying not to worry about work. It’s hard being self-employed and not being consistent with work, but that’s the struggle of being a new mom I guess. Hopefully, when she’s sleeping and napping better I have more time for myself and work.

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2 responses on "Rowan’s Fifth Month"

  1. Jaime says:

    Month 4 was a HARD one for us – that sleep regression lasted 6 weeks! But after that was a real sweet spot and the exersaucer SAVED me. Everly would sit in it for at least an hour – so I could shower and I just got a second camera for our baby monitor set up in the living room to watch her. Oh the luxury – wish I had it now LOL

  2. BR says:

    Love your honesty, you are not alone. Glad you are relishing the moments and she is so happy so you are doing something right! Hang in there it does get better 💕