May 18, 2016

15 Ways to Reward Yourself

15 ways to reward yourself

15 ways to reward yourself
We live in a fast paced world and nothing is better than taking a few moments to catch up and breathe. I like to disconnect from social media, read a book (with a glass of rosé duh!), watch a rom-com or catch a nap at the beach. I have come up with 15 ways to reward yourself starting this week. Indulge, pamper, relax or go on a burger binge!
15 ways to reward yourself

Whenever you check something off your list or accomplish something, it is always great to reward yourself. This could be surviving an exhausting work week, going to the gym, finishing an exam, completing a goal or just because you feel you need to. Rewarding yourself on a weekly basis can be beneficial for your mood, and your motivation. You deserve it, it’s great for your mental health and self-confidence. I’m sharing 15 ways to do it, starting tomorrow!

My 15 Ways to Reward Yourself

1.  Get a manicure or pedicure. At home in front of the television or at the nail salon. Either will make you feel great instantly. Go with a friend and catch up on gossip.

2.  Take a bubble bath. The ultimate relaxation, and take your time! I like to catch up on my magazine reading in the tub.

3.  Save for a trip. Pick an amount to put away each week. In the end you will have a good amount for a trip.
It’s a chance to reset and experience another culture or leave all the stress behind. Go to a tropical destination, travel to Europe or Asia, whatever you choose, try to pick a place that is at least a day’s travel away.

4.  Eat out. Visit your favorite restaurant, eat at your mom’s house or indulge in fast food. Ya that’s right, I love a good burger once in awhile and to me I look at it as a treat instead of an everyday occurrence.

5.  Indulge in dessert. Don’t feel guilty about it.

6.  Watch a movie in bed. Grab the popcorn, put on your PJs and enjoy.

7.   Disconnect from the internet. Sometimes, we all need a break from the outside world, and during that time, you’ll be able to do anything, and you won’t be disturbed.

8.  Pick up flowers. This little attention will bring joy into your home.

9.  Listen to music. Dance alone, sing your heart out, just get lost in the beat.

10. Have a glass of wine. Or beer or a cocktail. Whichever you prefer, you deserve it!

11. Wander around your city. There are probably many areas that you’ve never seen. I also have always wanted to take one of those tourist buses, see what they say and what you see in their eyes.

12. Cook your favourite meal. Take the whole afternoon to whip up a specialty dish or just make a quick favourite dish like grilled cheese or pancakes.

13. Hit snooze for 15 more minutes. Or aim to  go to sleep earlier.

14. Buy one of those adult colouring books and get lost. I have about three of these and enjoy just tuning out the rest of the noise and worrying about what colour to use. Great stress reliever!

15. Go to the cinema. Watch a blockbuster or escape from the summer heat in the A/C.

Also check out my post on Luvo’s Fresh Blog on 8 Ways to Practice Self-love!

How do you reward yourself? I want to hear from you!

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16 responses on "15 Ways to Reward Yourself"

  1. Whitney says:

    LOVE this! Everyone needs to take time for themselves. I am GUILTY of not making this a priority. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Rachael says:

    Bubble bath and pedicure are my go-to’s! I love taking care of myself, it’s the ultimate reward!

  3. soniya Saluja says:

    Loved all the ideas .. loved your blog 🙂 Will explore more !