January 2, 2018

My 2018 New Year Resolution’s Anyone Can Do

2018 New Years Resolutions

2018 New Years Resolutions
Happy New Year everyone! I took a nice break from the blog during the holiday. Initially I planned on sharing content, but then I remember one of the resolutions I had for this year. Taking more time for myself and taking breaks. I’m not going to lie, I felt extremely burnt out by the end of 2017. It was a big year, filled with stress that I needed to shed. So instead of writing down the usual new year’s resolutions one may do (and not judging anyone’s choices), I decided to make simple ones that any of you can do with me!

Sure, I can focus on losing weight (and I will believe me) but that is more of a lifestyle change and one that I hope will continue for a lifetime. I instead wanted to focus on daily reminders, self-care, being more present and starting new ventures for myself. But feel free to add some fun ones to this list like learning a new language or taking a road trip.

Share your new year’s resolutions with us in the comments below! I want to hear what you are planning on accomplishing this year and any goals. Love seeing everyone’s goals, they can be so inspiring and you might find yourself adding one to your list.

My 2018 New Year’s Resolutions That Are Easy To Do

1. Complain less

Try to look at the positive in everything. I know I tend to complain a ton and all that is doing is bringing negative energy into my life.

2. Stop worrying too much

I’m known to be a worry-wart. I have this sense I need to control situations and when I can’t I drive myself up the wall worrying about the outcome. Gotta let that shit go.

3. Be more punctual

Ongoing as always for myself. Being more punctual also besides being on time, gets rid of anxiety and stress.

4. Get more sleep

Have to get those zzzz’s in! We all should be getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Really messes with your head when you are running on empty. Set up a night-time routine, write a journal or talk to your doctor.

5. Create a playlist for any occasion

This is a fun task, make playlists to reflect any occasion in life. Whether it’s the gym, dinner parties with friends, your commute, one for when you are in the tub, etc. Make it something you look forward to playing.

6. Take more risks

One of the most important things you can do for yourself. Take risks, I am taking a couple of big ones this year and it’s scary but if you don’t then you might regret not doing so later in life. You won’t know if you make it unless you try.

7. Don’t be afraid of hitting the unfollow button

Never be afraid to unfollow someone or a brand. If they don’t inspire you, hit that unfollow button. Don’t feel guilty, let go of that waste and concentrate your time on people you love and provide inspiration. Purge baby, purge!

8. Make a new recipe once a week

Crack open that cookbook you bought last year and haven’t actually used yet. Try a new recipe each week and work on your skills. It will be fun and rewarding eating something you whipped up and might become a weekly regular on your menu.

9. Become a better listener

I feel I don’t listen enough. And not just to Curtis (haha) but in general. Listen to your friends, family and your gut.

10. Meditate

Download an app and carve out those few minutes a day to meditate. Clear your mind, connect with your thoughts and relax.

That’s it! I believe we can all do these this year, baby steps people, don’t think you need to check these all off in January. Believe me, I will not be doing so. There’s only 10, so maybe aim for one a month… Have fun, try new things, get someone to do these with you, a resolution buddy if you will. Or pick just one and go with that. Think about what will make you happier, it’s not a race.

You can also check out my new year’s resolutions from last year here.

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10 responses on "My 2018 New Year Resolution’s Anyone Can Do"

  1. Riley says:

    Thanks for sharing your resolutions! I can definitely relate to nearly all of them. I’m definitely going to be doing more of 6&7 in the new year. I also need to work on # 3 (oops).

  2. I love these resolutions, I feel like they’re so simple & easy to follow… yet can very easily help make 2018 better!

    1. Leslie says:

      Thanks! Hope you have a great start to 2018

  3. Wiola says:

    Oh, if you feel you are burnt out – taking a break is the best possible option for you! I wish you all the happiness and motivation you need in 2018! I hope your resolutions become healthy and positive habits! You posted a nice list, I would like to become a better listener, as well!

    1. Leslie says:

      Thank you so much! I wish you all the same in 2018 🙂

  4. Annsley says:

    Perfect set of resolutions! We’re twins! Complaining less is on the top of my list!

    1. Leslie says:

      Yay! Glad I’m not the only one who has to work on that 🙂

  5. Shannon says:

    These are amazing and definitely easy enough to follow! I especially want to meditate and be more present. Also less alcohol, especially during the week.

    1. Leslie says:

      Thanks Shannon! I’m with you on those goals 🙂