November 10, 2016

3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow

3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow

3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow
We all want to make our skin glow and we want to get it without spending a ton of cash. These three tricks are cheap and easy to do at home.

Clear, glowing skin. Find me one woman who does not want it. Trying to get your skin to cooperate with you almost always feels like a series of never-ending battles against zits, dark circles, pigmentation, patches of dry and lifeless skin, blackheads, and – oh, how I wish the list ended there! Now I’m at an age where wrinkles are a concern and adult acne ugh!
3 Tricsks to Make Your Skin Glow

To top it all off, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have to deal with any of these issues right now. Chances are if you do not pay attention to your skin, one of them are bound to come knocking on your door with the others not too far behind. Pretty uncool, huh?

Share your tricks to glowing skin below! I want to hear how you accomplish it.

3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow
Water will have a major impact on the way your skin looks. Drinking the recommended amount of water ensures that your skin stays hydrated, and helps you achieve that fresh face you want. I like to add a slice of lemon or mint to my water. Lemon really helps detox the skin. Check out my other tips on staying hydrated.

2. Make DIY Face Masks

3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow
There are a lot of face masks out in the market for all the different kinds of skin, but you can actually make your own natural ones with products you have in your home. Saves you money and you can tailor it more to your needs. I use Pinterest to find DIY face masks.

I also do splurge and get facials and chemical peels by Amanda at Glow Therapy. She’s the best and my skin looks amazing, but I did have some other issues to clear up.

3. Take a short shower

3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow
Long and steamy showers can wash away the protective oils that your skin naturally creates, so limit the showers to 10 minutes and keep the water as cool as possible.
3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow

And of course there are so many other ways too, like exfoliate on the regular, drink green tea, take vitamins, exercise, eat for your skin type, use face oils and more. But try out these three simple steps first and see how your skin reacts.

With winter coming up, you need to change up your skin routine as well. Tell me how you get or work towards glowing skin?

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19 responses on "3 Tricks to Make Your Skin Glow"

  1. I love these ideas, I have to admit to lightly biting my lower lip in disappointment that you didn’t give a DIY mask recipe, lol, that one in the picture looked decadent.
    I always use white clay as my go-to. It’s super cheap and easy to pick up at the Health Food store.
    Kellie from Princess & The Yard Ape

    1. Leslie says:

      Oh! Maybe I will share one soon on the blog then!

  2. Joti says:

    I need to hydrate a lot more! I’m so bad at drinking water. Also, long, steamy showers are my favourite! LOL Thank you for the tips, I definitely need to work on this!

  3. BSBP says:

    love this tricks! so helpful 🙂

  4. Ellie says:

    These tips are so good and so easy to incorporate in to your routine! I do not drink enough water but adding fruit like lemons helps. Thanks for sharing!


  5. Oh I love this! I shared on twitter! Great suggestions I will DEFINITELY take seriously – because I want that glow, girl! xoxo