April 11, 2022

Life Lately: A Quick Update!

cirque du soleil alegria vancouver

I know it’s been a while since I’ve shared anything new on the blog, and this week I’m finally getting back to posting content! After the holidays, we went to Palm Springs (new guides coming this week!) and everyone in my family got Covid. If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen me talk about this, it put a damper on our holiday but we thankfully all recovered and enjoyed our time in the sunshine.

My symptoms were pretty mild, I had a runny nose for a couple of days, but other family members including Curtis had it pretty rough. He even lost his taste and smell for a week and was congested for weeks afterward. After we got back home, I was exhausted. Was it long covid? Burnout from a busy holiday season and work? Not sure, maybe a combination of both.

chery blossoms vancouver coal harbour

I also felt a little bit of imposter syndrome, especially on social media. I felt great all holiday season landing amazing campaigns and when January came around and I had no campaign opportunities, I felt defeated. It’s like this generally for everyone else, the start of the year can be quite slow in our industry and I seem to forget each January. But I was also very tired, unmotivated to edit and share content not just on here but Instagram and TikTok.

So I stepped back a bit, I focused on my health, Rowan, getting settled into a new year, and looked at what I wanted to achieve. I feel the same about my job, I love it, I love the opportunities, flexibility to spend time with Rowan, and being creative. But it can be very fluctuating at times with income and to be honest, I’m leaning towards finding some part-time consulting or creative gigs. I don’t know if I can go back to a full-time 9-5 yet, depends on the job and the opportunities, and I am helping Curtis with his business so I am busy. I do have long-term goals and I would like a flourishing career. Never mind that I live in Vancouver, one of the most expensive cities in the world and I think the most expensive one in Canada currently.

BLOGGING: Anyways, that is where my mindset has been. I have been contemplating the direction of the blog and my social media channels and I have come to the conclusion of the type of content I want to start putting out there more. I’m excited and I can’t wait for you to follow along! Nothing drastic, just focusing on topics with more clarity.

WELLNESS: Focusing on my mental and physical wellness is also a priority I am working on too. I fell off the wagon on my fitness and am now back to making it a part of my lifestyle. I’ve committed to doing at least thirty minutes of movement or a workout each day. Making clean swaps with food, not ordering in dinner on a Friday, and whipping up something healthier in our kitchen. Just the small things will all add up and my mental health will improve too.

false creek seawall view of yaletown
I just want to get my life back together, I miss having the freedom to create whenever I wanted, spontaneous dates with friends, date night on a Tuesday, and time to myself. I don’t have any help besides immediate family (thanks mom!) and we did sign Rowan up for an occasional daycare in town, but TBH I haven’t used it since February. I was just saying to Curtis I should drop her off there one morning soon so she just has a break from me. Finding my balance is something I struggle with lately, and I need to get it back this Spring.

And as a mom, I find myself craving adult time with friends. But to be honest, I don’t have many friends, and the ones I do have, are all busy with families or their best single life. I admit, there are times when I don’t talk to anyone whether on the phone or in person (besides Curtis or my family) for weeks. Sure, texts and DMs are I guess considered conversation, but it can be isolating when it’s only that. I’m probably guilty too of not remembering to check in on friends, my days go by in a blur with Rowan and fitting in work when she’s napping or in bed. It won’t be till late at night that I think about reaching out, but then it’s 10:30 PM on a Wednesday. Who would pick up their phone?

Do any other moms have tips on maintaining friendships or making new ones?

I have connected with a couple of moms recently, but we don’t live in the same neighbourhoods and have different schedules. It makes it hard to meet up, I would love to have a friend in my neighbourhood downtown to go for walks with without myself driving 15-20 minutes to meet up with someone. Maybe this will be my summer I’ll meet a mom at the playground!

Also, here’s Rowan’s 2nd birthday recap!

How are you all? Any exciting life updates you want to share? Thanks for reading the blog and supporting my business! I can’t do what I do without all of you xoxo Leslie

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