September 25, 2020

Rowan’s Sixth Month

Rowan 6 Month Update

Here we are, 6 months! Half a year, holy cow! They say their first year goes by quickly, and it really does! I feel with COVID and a weird 2020 overall, that the last 6 months went by faster than usual. We didn’t have too many visits with friends, missed out on that first month of a newborn with family and friends, no vacations, mommy and me classes, and a “normal” summer.

But it’s also been amazing! Curtis was able to spend time at home during those first two months more than he would because of COVID. Silver lining to all of that! And it gave him and Rowan more time to bond.

Rowan is now six months old and just becoming more of a little person each day. She smiles a lot, giggles, sits up on her own, and starting to crawl! She’s very curious, nosy in fact, always wants to know what you’re doing and inspect everything at her level.
Rowan 6 Months

Rowan is very intuitive and observant. She can figure out how toys work, how to pop open one, or shake or roll. Pulls things off shelves and has a grip better than myself lol. I have to wrestle the spoon away from her during feeds! It’s fun to see her get better at all these skills she’s been working on in the last couple of months.

And the babbling, she is almost saying mama, almost! And grunts, blows raspberries and screeches all day long. She also sometimes chats to her dollies, it’s hilarious! Rowan is also still breastfeeding but is now eating solids! We’ve tried 7 foods already, allergy foods are next on the plate, I want to try a couple and start eliminating them like, peanut butter, nut butter, and eggs.
Rowan in HM sweatshirt Rowan playing with toys Rowan in Skiphop Activity Centre

So far, she loves it, she happily eats everything including avocados. Not a fan at first bite but warmed up to it. Still breastfeeds and drinks a bottle. All good thank goodness, we have a nice rhythm now with a food schedule.

And sleeping is going great at night, she goes down around 7 and wakes up just after 6 on average. Naps on the other hand… some days are fantastic and some days we don’t nap. Sleep training was one of our better decisions, she’s so happy when she wakes up, a huge smile on her face!

Her schedule lately
7 AM: Wake up for a feed, a diaper change, day time outfit, and playtime while mom showers
9:30-10 AM: Quick feed and a nap
11 AM: Lunch (eating solids) followed by milk, a book, and playtime
12:30-1 PM: Nap
2:30-6 PM: We try to get outside for a walk, play, feed every couple of hours
6 PM: Dinner of solids and milk
7 PM: Bathtime, pajamas, have a pumped bottle, and storytime
7:30 PM: Go down for a 10-11 hour sleep, lights are turned off, white noise machine goes on

Mommy and me

Mommy update

I’m still tired most days, but now that she is sleeping at night I have those couple of hours to do whatever. I also can do work or shower during the day when she plays in her activity center or naps ha.

No more anxiety about breastfeeding, she is eating solids and we have a good rhythm with feeding and pumping a bottle. I also am starting to workout, been to a Pilates, and a yoga class. Both Rowan was able to join, so that makes it easy for me. Feels good to start again!

My skin has cleared up, seems my hormones have calmed down. Still have pigmentation but that I can deal with. I’m beginning to feel like myself again, my hair is even not too bad with postpartum hair loss.

I’m excited to see Rowan grow and for Curtis to be home more this fall. Halloween and Christmas will be fun tho year, not sure what it will look like with COVID, but gives those holidays more purpose with Rowan around! Her Halloween costume is cute can’t wait to share it!

Don’t forget to check out her other monthly updates! Here’s month 5 and her 1 month, so amazing to see the difference.

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One response on "Rowan’s Sixth Month"

  1. BR says:

    Love your updates! Time does seem like it’s flying by, enjoy every minute! She’s such a doll! Glad you’ve found a rythym in your routine 😊❤️