April 23, 2018

Why You Should Take 10 Minutes for Yourself Each Day

Woman drinking SunRype Slim 10 beverage in glass

SunRype Slim 10
We all have busy lives, whether it’s at a 9-5, taking care of your kids or being self-employed at home. I’m finding lately that being at home, working for myself, that I may forget to take 10 minutes to have a moment. A teeny break, a bit of solitude between emails and editing photos. Sometimes hours pass by and I’ve forgotten to get up off the couch. YIKES.

That’s why I love keeping my fridge stocked with goodies such as SunRype Slim 10 beverages. I either pour myself a drink on the rocks (lol) or keep some popsicles in the freezer on hand for a refreshing treat. (recipe below) Those few minutes become special, a little time away from my computer screen to reset.
SunRype Slim 10 iced tea
I’m always onto Curtis too to take a few minutes each day at work just to have a break. Everyone needs it, our lives now are so intertwined with social media, our laptops and being connected. Even if you have a labour job, you need a few minutes to yourself, or you could start to have those burnt out feelings.

I try to get out of the house for a quick walk around the neighbourhood or eat my lunch with an exciting book. On Fridays, I like to add a treat to my afternoon as a reward for getting through the week. It could be a sweet treat (hello flakey croissants), a tea latte, an indulgent lunch or just a refreshing drink I saved up for all day.
Woman drinking SunRype Slim 10 beverage in glass
SunRype Slim 10 low-calorie beverages are so refreshing and a better choice than some other beverages. I’m such a fruit girl, I love a tart glass of juice over anything, this also applies to my cocktails. Plus, Sunrype Slim has only 10 calories per serving (250ml), has a great taste, and contains no aspartame, no artificial flavors or colours. So basically, can be enjoyed guilt-free -with or without alcohol!

And as a bonus to yourself, at 5 PM, mix a glass with some vodka or rum for a highball at the end of the day. I tend to go with the Lemon Drop Lemonade, Cranberry Twist or Blueberry Burst flavours. Their Long Island Iced Tea is also a great flavour to make your version at home. Save the few bucks instead of going out; those happy hours can add up and quickly become not so happy.
SunRype Slim 10 beverages
So next time at the grocery store, swing your cart by the non-refrigerated juice aisle and pick one up to take 10 for yourself! I suggest picking up at least two. Lately, I’m into mixing them together for some awesome flavour profiles. Or, more accurately, when I’m at the bottom of two beverages and combining both makes a full glass – and then I discover they pair so great together… love when that happens!

Share below how you would spend 10 minutes in your day. Any tips or tricks for making sure you do?

Quick Popsicle Recipe Using SunRype Slim 10

This is such an easy recipe, with no added sugar. Just SunRype Slim 10 + fruit.

I would go with the Blueberry Burst with blueberries or raspberries or even the Tropical Mango and add some mango slices. Either combination you dream of will work!

1 SunRype Slim 10 flavour of choice
Slices of fruit of choice
Popsicle Molds

1. Place fruit into popsicle molds.
2. Pour the low-calorie beverage on top of fruit to the rim.
3. Pop into the freezer overnight.
4. Enjoy!

SunRype Slim 10 beverage in glass

Visit the SunRype Slim Spring Hub to learn more and splash into spring!

This post has been generously sponsored by Sun-Rype, the opinions and language are my own and in no way do they reflect Sun-Rype.

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13 responses on "Why You Should Take 10 Minutes for Yourself Each Day"

  1. I love this! I’m so bad about giving myself time for me when I’m so focused on writing or social media or my next project. The SunRype juices look so good!

  2. Time for yourself is oh, so important! I love the idea of a little treat or tasty bev to celebrate : )

    Meaghan xx

  3. lacyngo says:

    Um, that tea looks amazing! I am always looking for healthy beverages.